If you are home educating and planning to take GCSEs or IGCSEs you might be on the lookout for online GCSE courses for homeschooling.
While these courses cover all of the course material, with almost all of them, you will need to book the exam yourself. Have a look at this post on how homeschoolers take GCSEs for more information on the process.
The courses will almost all be tailored to a specific exam board so before you sign up, make sure that the exam board the courses uses is available at your local exam centre. I have included the exam board for English Language where relevant as people are often looking for a specific exam board and specification for that subject.
The courses below are all ones that you have to pay for, if you’re looking for free resources have a look at this post on free resources for 11-16 year olds.
Online GCSE Course Providers that Offer a Range of Subjects
These providers all offer online GCSE courses for homeschooling in a range of different subjects. These providers all specialise in supporting home educators specifically.
Homemade Education
Homemade Education offers live lessons and recordings of live lessons.
They offer the following subjects:
- English Language (both Edexcel spec A and Cambridge exam boards)
- English Literature
- Geography
- Environmental Management
- Sociology
- Psychology
- Business Studies
- Economics
- Travel and Tourism
- Statstics
- History
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Biology
- Astronomy
- Double Science
- Maths
Learn Laugh Play
Learn Laugh Play offers GCSE and IGCSE live lessons with a recording available for 7 days after the live.
They offer the following subjects:
- English Language (Edexcel and Cambridge Exam Boards)
- English Literature
- Maths
- Religious Studies
- French
- Spanish
- Italian
- Latin
- History
- Business Studies
- Classical Civilisation
- Double Science
- Astronomy
- Human Biology
- Sociology
- Psychology
£2 Tuition Hub
£2 Tuition Hub allows you to sign up for live lessons or recordings, although live lessons fill up fast. Lessons are £2 each and booked in blocks. If you start late with live lessons you can catch up with recordings.
They offer the following subjects at GCSE/IGCSE:
- Maths
- Biology
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Travel and Tourism
- Religious Studies
- Business Studies
- Geography
- History
- Psychology
- Sociology
- Environmental Management
- English Language (Edexcel Exam Board Spec A)
- Marine Science
Oh So Ed
Oh So Ed offer IGCSE courses that start in June each year. Lessons are live via google classroom and aren’t recorded.
They offer the following subjects at IGCSE:
- English Language
- English Literature
- Maths
- Chemistry
- Biology
- Combined Science
- History
Whole Brain Education
Whole Brain Education runs IGCSE/GCSE courses via Zoom, classes are not recorded.
They offer the following subjects at I/GCSE:
- Maths
- English
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Psychology
- Sociology
- Business Studies
- Environmental Management
Home Educators Educating Together
Home Educators Educating together (HEET) is a not for profit home education cooperative who offer some online courses.
They offer the following subjects at I/GCSE:
- English Language (Edexcel Exam Board Spec B)
- English Literature
- Biology
- Human Biology
- Physics
- Marine Science
- Single Combined Science
- Maths
- French
- Latin
- Spanish
- Psychology
Home Education Specialists (Formerly Little Arthur)
Home Education Specialists is a bit different because their IGCSE courses aren’t actually online but paper based.
They offer the following subjects at IGCSE:
- Accounting
- Business Studies
- Biology
- Maths
- Physics
- English Language
- Environmental Management
- Marine Science
- History
Lessoning the Load
Lessoning the Load is a smaller provider and offers live webinars booked in blocks.
They offer the following I/GCSEs
- Pschology
- Maths
- English
Education Brothers
Education Brothers offers both prerecorded and live lessons.
They offer the following subjects at I/GCSE:
- Maths
- Sciences
- Business Studies
- Ancient History
Humanatees offer live lessons with recordings if you miss the class. The courses are offered over one or two years.
They offer the following subjects at I/GCSE:
- History
- Religious Studies
- Classical Civilisation
- Environmental Management
- Geography
- Marine Science
Nexus Educate Online
Nexus Educate Online offers live lessons for home educators and require cameras to be on.
They offer the following subjects at I/GCSE:
- English Language (Cambridge Exam Board)
- English Literature
- History
- Sociology
- Media Studies (including marking non examined assessments in partnership with the exam centre)
- Film Studies (including marking non examined assessments in partnership with the exam centre)
Online GCSE Course Providers for Specific Subjects
These provider offer just one or two specific subjects. They all specialise in courses for home educators.
Combined Science – IGCSE Science Video course
The IGCSE Science Video Course covers the content for combined IGCSE Science in short videos.
Physics – Theatre of Science
Theatre of Science is running IGCSE physics classes on YouTube and Facebook with the option pay if you can afford it via Kofi. All of the past lessons are on her YouTube channel so you can join any time.
Sciences – Southwest Science School
Southwest Science School offers IGCSEs in Double Science and Individual Sciences (Biology, physics and Chemistry). Live lessons start in September but you have access to the prerecorded course so can start late and catch up. The prerecorded course can be started anytime and also allows you to access live lessons if you want to.
Marine Science – Learn with Amy
Learn with Amy offers IGCSE Marine Science as a prerecorded, self paced course. You buy the six units individually so can try just one to start with.
Environmental Management and Citizenship – Get Keyed Up
Get Keyed Up offers course for IGCSE Environmental Management and both GCSE and IGCSE Global Citizenship. The courses are provided in a PowerPoint format with optional audio and the courses includes lots of exam practice.
Geography and Environmental Management – Earthlings Learning
Earthlings Learning offers IGCSEs course in Geography and Environment Management over one or two years. The classes are live and run over Zoom.
Computer Science – Learntec
LearnTec offer GCSE computer Science over either one or two years with a choice of live lessons or prerecorded lessons. Live lessons start in September every year.
Computer Science – TeachAllAboutIT
TeachAllAboutIT offers both live and prerecorded Computer Science I/GCSE. The prerecorded course is self paced and the the live lessons run over two years.
English – Elephant English Tuition
Elephant English Tuition offers English Language IGCSE Edexcel Spec A live lessons as either a one year or two year course. They also offer a short course for exam techniques for Edexcel Spec B.
English – Catherine Mooney
Catherine Mooney courses aren’t actually online but are written course materials along with an MP3 so that you can listen to all of the course materials if you prefer. There are course variants for GCSE (AQA) and IGCSE (Edexcel specs A and B and Cambridge)
Film Studies and English – Arts Discovery
Arts Discovery offers Film Studies (with the the Non Examined Assessment in partnership with Tutors and Exams). It also offers English Language (Cambridge syllabus) and a combined English Language and English Literature course. Lessons are held live over Zoom.
Film Studies – JQS Learning
JQS learning offers GCSE Film Studies through recorded lessons with weekly live tutor support lessons. It is designed to be taken over two years and includes marking non examined assessments in partnership with the exam centre.
Film, Music and Media – Spark Creative Education
Spark Creative Education offers GCSE courses in Film Studies, Music and Media Studies via live online lessons. The courses are available over one or two years.
Maths – Absolute Maths
Absolute Maths offers live, small group lessons for I/GCSE Maths via Zoom with recordings available to watch later.
Maths – Your Maths Tutor
Your Maths Tutor offers Maths I/GCSE via recorded lessons with weekly live support sessions via Zoom. It can be done over two or three years but you can also sign up just for specific modules. There are a number of variations available to tailor the course for your child.
Art and Design – The Art and Design Room
The Art and Design room offers GCSE Art and Design including the Textiles option. Much of the course is delivered via Zoom but there are also practical days to attend (near London).
Art and Design – Inner Art
Inner Art offers GCSE Art and Design to homeschoolers both online and in person. The online course includes practical days that learners need to attend (in Surrey). They are partnered with Tutors and Exams for the Non Examined Assessment (NEA).
Art and Design – CreatED
CreatED offer GCSE art primarily via live online lessons with an in person workshop every half term at various locations. They also offer A-Level Art.
You might find this post about GCSE Art and Alternatives useful.
Food Preparation and Nutrition – The Farm Cookery School
The Farm Cookery School offers GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition in partnership with Tutors and Exams for the Non Examined Assessments. The course is primarily online but you need to attend in person for 3 practical assessments (in Wiltshire). The course runs over a year.
Food Preparation and Nutrition – Worship Worth Experiences
Worship Worth Experiences offers the IGCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition with mostly online attendance but you must attend in person (Sutton Coldfield) to complete the practicals. They are partnered with Tutors and Exams for the Non Examined Assessments.
GCSE Course Providers not Specifically Aimed at Home Educators
These course providers don’t specifically design their courses with home educators in mind but you can use them if you feel they would suit your child. Some of these providers arrange exams for you and some leave you to book them yourself. Most provide the course materials in written form rather than video. For most you will have a tutor you can contact online.
The National Extension College (NEC)
NEC is a not for profit organisation and a well established provider who welcome home educated students. They provide course materials and tutor support for up to 18 months from enrolment. They have partnership arrangements with a number of Exam Centres and guarantee exam places as part of some courses.
They offer the following subjects at I/GCSE:
- Astronomy
- Biology
- Business Studies
- Chemistry
- Combined Double Science
- Combined Single Science
- English Language (AQA Exam Board)
- English Literature
- French
- Maths
- History
- Geography
- Phyics
- Psychology
- Sociology
Learndirect offer a wide range of I/GCSEs course and have the option of paying for the exam as part of the course fee. They have partnered with Tutors and Exams for this so you should look at their locations before choosing this option. You are allocated a tutor who you can contact through the online learning portal.
They offer the following subjects at I/GCSE:
- Psychology
- English Literature
- Sociology
- Business Studies
- Chemistry
- Biology
- Human Biology
- Physics
- History
- English Language (Edexcel Exam Board)
- Maths
- Combined Double Science
Open Study College
Open Study College is another option that allows you to include the exam fee with your course fee, again with Tutors and Exams. You have 12 months from enrolment to complete the course.
They offer the following subjects at I/GCSE:
- English Language (AQA)
- Maths
- History
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Combined Double Science
- Economics
- English Literature
- Sociology
- Religious Studies
- Psychology
- Computer Science
- Business Studies
Cloudlearn offer a range of GCSE courses and offer the option of booking your exam through them, with Tutors and Exams.
They offer the following subjects at I/GCSE:
- Maths
- English Language (Edexcel Exam Board Spec B)
- Combined Double Science
- Biology
- Chemistry
- History
- Geography
- Business
- Psychology
- Sociology
ICS Learn
ICS Learn offer a smaller range of subjects but do offer some live lessons for maths and English. They don’t have an exam booking service so you’ll need to make your own arrangements.
They offer the following subjects at I/GCSE:
- Maths
- English Language (Edexcel Exam Board Spec B)
- English Literature
- Biology
- Human Biology
- Physics
- Combined Double Science
- Psychology
Oxford Open Learning
Oxford Open Learning offers a really good range of I/GCSEs and also offer a fast track option for some subjects.
They offer the following subjects at I/GCSE:
- English Language (Edexcel Exam Board Spec A, they also offer GCSE including the oral assessment)
- English Literature
- Maths
- Latin
- Spanish
- French
- Economic
- Business
- Geography
- History
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Biology
- Human Biology
- Combined Double Science
- Sociology
- Psychology
Online Learning College
Online Learning College offer a small range of I/GCSE courses. You have 12 months from enrolment to complete them. They don’t offer an exam booking service.
They offer the following subjects at I/GCSE:
- Maths
- English Language (Edexcel Exam Board Spec B)
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Geography
- Business
- Psychology
Oxbridge Home Learning
Oxbridge Home Learning are another provider that partner with Tutors and Exams but they don’t include exam fees with the course fees.
They offer the following subjects at I/GCSE:
- Maths
- English Language (Cambridge Exam Board)
- English Literature
- Business
- Geography
- Astronomy
- History
- French
- Spanish
- Psychology
- Sociology
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Biology
- Combined Double Science
If you’d like to know more about how expensive the actual exams will be, have a look at this post on the homeschooling GCSE cost.
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Glad it’s helpful!